Meet Your Favourite

New Employee!

A fully-trained AI Chatbot that:

Meet Your Favourite

New Employee!

A fully-trained AI Chatbot that:

Never Sleeps

Never Gets Sick

Never Needs Vacation

Replies Right Away

Try The AI Chatbot Now...

Open the 💬 chat widget [bottom-right] and ask our AI Chatbot a question to see it in action! ↘️

Easily Trained

We'll help you train your chatbot from your website, FAQs, and even Google Docs

Easily Taught

Thumbs-down any responses you don't like and the bot will ask you how it should have replied

Easily Customized

Customize the look and feel of your chatbot to match your company's branding

Playground Included

Privately converse with your bot to test and tweak replies

Powerful AI Models

Your chatbot runs on the latest and greatest of GPT models

Private & Secure

Your data is hosted on secure servers with robust encryption and access control.

73% of users

expect websites to feature chatbots for convenient interactions.

74% of internet users

prefer using chatbots for simple questions.

87.2% of consumers

rate their interactions with bots as either neutral or positive.

3X faster

Chatbots have remarkably accelerated response times, answering 3 times faster on average.

Right Answers, Right On Time!

Free up your staff's time and let your AI chatbot widget handle questions from your website!


What's Included

• AI Chatbot Widget

• Missed-Call Text-Back

• 2-Way SMS

• Review Monitoring & Replies

• Google Chat

• Mobile App

+Plus 50 more tools!

• Free 14 Day Trial

• 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

• Video Tutorials

• Quick Setup

• Ongoing Support

Just $297 / Month!

*Limited Time Offer*

Only $247 / Month!

Try It Risk Free For 14 Days!

Enhance user experience by providing instant, 24/7 customer support, while saving on staffing costs.

Sign up for the IMI App today [no payment required], then book your onboarding call so we can help you get set up and ready to go!

STEP 1Your Details
STEP 2Payment Details

Not sure? Want to learn more?

Book a call today to discover how our ai chatbot can elevate your business to new heights!



Get more Leads, Bookings, Sales, Reviews, and Repeat Customers.

This website was built with the IMI App. We run our entire marketing agency on the same exact platform our customers use!

AI Chatbot

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